
Traumatic Brain Injury and Occupational Therapy

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Traumatic Brain Injury and Occupational Therapy

Each year, approximately 1.7 million people in the United States are diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and an estimated 2.5–6.3 million people currently live with a TBI-related disability.  For many people, changes in cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and physical performance adversely affect participation in everyday life. 

What are the common difficulties associated with a brain injury?

The effects of a brain injury can be far reaching and the associated difficulties can be both physical and cognitive.

Physical difficulties following a brain injury may include changes in muscle tone such as hypertonia and spasticity, difficulties with speaking and understanding language, impaired mobility, tremors or uncontrolled movements, seizures, fatigue and weakness.

Cognitive difficulties can include short and long term memory loss, inability to organize and plan, difficulty expressing or controlling emotions, behavioural and personality changes, or challenges with motivation, concentration or problem solving.

Following a brain injury, people may experience changes in their work, social and family roles.

How can Occupational Therapy help following a brain injury?

Occupational therapy plays a key role in TBI rehabilitation throughout the continuum of recovery. Occupational therapy practitioners have training in assessing and treating both psychological and physical impairments to improve occupational performance, making their role in TBI rehabilitation vital. 

Occupational therapy interventions aim to empower those who are struggling with a TBI or a TBI-related disability, address the barriers that hinder function in daily activities and increase overall quality of life.  

Here at High Quality Home Therapy, LLC we understand that the needs of every patient are different. Our dedicated, highly trained team of occupational therapists evaluate and work with each client to create a comprehensive, evidence based, individualized treatment plan that meets the goals of the client. Individualized interventions include:

1. Cognitive Thought Training
2. Executive Function based activities
3. Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention techniques
4. Social Skills Training
5. ADL retraining
6. Physical Activity
7. Socio-emotional support 
8. Neuromuscular Re-education
9. Home/Task modifications
10. Energy Conservation techniques
11. Routine Planning
12. Sleep Hygiene
13. Motivation and Planning strategies
14. Anger management training
15. Client and caregiver education 

For more information, call and chat with us today to set up an appointment at 203-212-4191. 


Wheeler, S. & Acord-Vira, A. (2023) Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Vol. 77(4), https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2023.077401

Wheeler, S., Acord-Vira, A., & Davis, D. (2016). Effectiveness of Interventions to Improve Occupational Performance for People With Psychosocial, Behavioral, and Emotional Impairments After Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(3). doi: 10.5014/ajot.115.020677

Powell, J. M., Rich, T. J., & Wise, E. K. (2016). Effectiveness of Occupation- and Activity-Based Interventions to Improve Everyday Activities and Social Participation for People With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(3). doi: 10.5014/ajot.2016.020909